Reva Deployment into Kubernetes

Deploy the Reva/IOP on your Kubernetes cluster.

The official way of deploying the IOP platform are its Helm charts. They provide an abstraction over the different Kubernetes entities required to configure and run the IOP on your cluster.


  • You must add the sciencemesh helm repo to your client sources:

iop: ScienceMesh IOP is the reference Federated Scientific Mesh platform

— Open in Artifact Hub
helm repo add sciencemesh
  • We’ll be deploying a reva daemon using the example config. We need to tweak a few values to appropriate ones according to your deployment.
wget -q

  1. In the example config you need to edit the section denoted as [vars]. Replace with your actual domain.
  2. If you have a Kubernetes deployment with an ingress and a route:
  • Set the external_reva_endpoint var to your actual externally-visible route to reva.
  • In the [] section, set a webdav_root to include your route, e.g. /iop/remote.php/dav/ocm/
  1. Replace with the actual endpoint of your EFSS system.
  2. Define appropriate secrets in the [vars] section: the efss_shared_secret must match the oc_appconfig.configvalue in your EFSS DB for oc_appconfig.app_id = sciencemesh
  3. Provide appropriate SSL full chain certificate and key files in the [http] section

If you want to terminate the SSL connection to reva at your reverse proxy system (e.g. at your Kubernetes ingress), then you can configure reva to use http instead. For that, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Remove the certfile and keyfile entries from the [http] section.
  2. Replace the https port 443 with a port number of your choice everywhere you find it
  3. Make sure all https-served endpoints (including datagateway) are adapted accordingly

Configure and deploy IOP

To deploy IOP via helm we need to configure couple more things.

  1. Metrics, for further detail please visit Metrics page

We have to prepare the file named metrics.json. Here we demonstrate a statically prepared file containing elementary metrics needed for Sciencemesh monitoring.

    "cs3_org_sciencemesh_site_total_num_users": 15222,
    "cs3_org_sciencemesh_site_total_num_groups": 100,
    "cs3_org_sciencemesh_site_total_amount_storage": 386887921664
  1. Persitency of the operational data (accepted invites etc.).

We have to setup PVC into values.yaml as follows. Details to setup PVC are described in the following section.

           enabled: true
           existingClaim: 'data-iop-prod'

Then we can simply run the following command to deploy our IOP.

helm -n <your-namespace> install --set-file gateway.configFiles.revad\\.toml=sciencemesh.toml iop sciencemesh/iop --set gateway.image.repository=cs3org/revad --set gateway.image.tag=v1.26.0 -f values.yaml --set-file gateway.configFiles.metrics\\.json=metrics.json

If you perform any changes then you can upgrade your deployment using helm upgrade command.

helm -n cs3 <your-namespace> upgrade --set-file gateway.configFiles.revad\\.toml=sciencemesh.toml iop sciencemesh/iop --set gateway.image.repository=cs3org/revad --set gateway.image.tag=v1.26.0 -f values.yaml --set-file gateway.configFiles.metrics\\.json=metrics.json

Enabling and configuring persistency

In case you need to keep the data stored on the storage service root, across version upgrades and restarts of an IOP deployment, you will need to enable data persistency through a Kubernetes Persistent Volume (PV). This is done by using a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC). By default, persistency is disabled for convenience as it involves setting up a StorageClass, having an available driver for your storage infrastructure, etc.

The cs3org/revad chart provides two methods to attach a volume to an IOP deployment:

Persistent Volume Claim auto-provision

When persistentVolume.enabled=true alone is passed, helm generates and installs PVC manifest by relying on some cluster and chart preset defaults. This option is especially useful to quickly deploy the IOP for the first time, without spending too much effort in the storage configurations.

For a full reference on the different persistentVolume configurations available, refer to the chart parameters list.

Reusing a pre-existing Persistent Volume Claim

This option is key when rolling an upgrade in the cluster while keeping all the data from a previous version. Here’s a really simple PVC manifest and the workflow to create and consume it from the charts.

cat << EOF > pvc.yaml
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: data-iop-prod
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 1G
  storageClassName: standard

kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml

# Note the 'Unbound' status for the PVC as there's still no deployment exercising the claim
kubectl get pvc
NAME                 STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
data-iop-prod             Unbound  pvc-fddca20b-69a4-43ec-ad12-6d4e2bd4a433   1Gi        RWO            standard       1d20h

helm upgrade -i iop sciencemeshcharts/iop \
  --set gateway.persistentVolume.enabled=true \
  --set gateway.persistentVolume.existingClaim=data-iop-prod

# Get the PV provisioned by the claim
kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                        STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-fddca20b-69a4-43ec-ad12-6d4e2bd4a433   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/iop-data             standard                1d20h

If the PVC was auto-provisioned by a previous release, you’ll need to pass its name (i.e. <release-name>-gateway) as persistentVolume.existingClaim, as part of the helm upgrade command.

Configuring IOP ingress

To configure the two ingress resources that expose the IOP endpoints (GRPC and HTTP), we’ll just need to pass a few values into a custom-ingress.yaml file. For instance, a configuration for a cluster running the nginx-ingress controller would be similar to:

cat << EOF > custom-ingress.yaml
    enabled: true
        hostname: <hostname>
        path: /
          - secretName: <keypair>
              - <hostname>
        hostname: <hostname>
        path: /iop(/|$)(.*)
          - secretName: <keypair>
              - <hostname>
  • <hostname> is the domain you’ll use to expose the IOP publicly.
  • (Optional) The <keypair> is a Kubernetes tls secret created from the .key and .crt files. It can be omitted together with both tls sections to expose the services without TLS-termination. Also note that the secret must be present in the cluster before deploying the IOP:
kubectl create secret tls <keypair> --key=tls.key --cert=tls.crt

Once all this is done, we can carry on with the deployment by running:

helm upgrade -i iop sciencemesh/iop \
  --set-file gateway.configFiles.revad\\.toml=standalone.toml \
  --set-file gateway.configFiles.users\\.json=users-cern.json \
  --set-file gateway.configFiles.ocm-providers\\.json=providers.demo.json \
  -f custom-ingress.yaml

Testing the deployment

You can easily test your deployment. You can try to generate Sciencemesh invite and send it to some of Sciencemesh partners. Then you can try to establish shares. In case of proper configuration, you should be also able to see your site in the Sciencemesh Grafafana Dashboard.

HTTP: Query the Prometheus metrics endpoint

curl https://<hostname>/iop/metrics

Last modified October 27, 2023: Prometheus query fix (f2a1376)