Deploying and configuring the WOPI Server with Collabora Code

Enable the deployment of the WOPI Server as part of the IOP.


Note: Verify you have the sciencemesh/iop chart sources on version 0.0.3 or greater:

helm repo update
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "sciencemesh" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈ Happy Helming!⎈

helm search repo sciencemesh/iop
sciencemesh/iop         	0.0.3        	0.0.1      	ScienceMesh IOP is the reference Federated Scie...
  • If you expose your cluster behind a reverse proxy, make sure it’s configured to accept websocket connections as they’re required to run Collabora Code. Detailed instructions for different proxies can be found on the project documentation for nginx and Apache.

(Optional) Deploying a Collabora Code instance on your cluster

To demonstrate how an office-online application provider can integrate with the IOP through the WOPI protocol, we need an actual provider we can connect to. If you don’t have such application at hand, don’t worry. You can use a self-contained Collabora Code installation on Kubernetes instead.

This is provided by the sciencemesh/meshapps chart - which relies on the official Helm chart for stable/collabora-code and can be used to deploy everything on our cluster in a very simple way.

First, we need to update our helm sources and look for the latest version of the sciencemesh/meshapps Helm chart:

helm search repo sciencemesh/meshapps
sciencemesh/meshapps  0.0.1        	0.0.1    	  Umbrella-repository of apps supported by the IOP and its adapters

Next, we need to create a minimal YAML file holding the custom collabora-code deployment values:

  • collabora.domain which points to the wopiserver url. Since we’re running it all on the same cluster, we can use the service DNS record for this.
  • collabora.server_name will be used to generate the public URLs to be passed to the users.

Note: notice we need to slash-escape periods for this value: <hostname\.domain\.tld>.

Putting it all together, we will end up with something similar to:

cat << EOF > collabora.yaml
  enabled: true
    tag: latest
    domain: iop-wopiserver\|hostname\\.domain\\.tld
    server_name: <hostname\.domain\.tld>
    enabled: true
    annotations: nginx "true"
    - <hostname.domain.tld>
    - /loleaflet
    - /hosting/discovery
    - /hosting/capabilities
    - /lool
    - /lool/adminws
    - /lool/(.*)/ws$

And now, to deploy it on the cluster, we just need to install the chart as follows:

helm upgrade -i meshapps sciencemesh/meshapps -f collabora.yaml

Configure REVA to integrate with the WOPI Server

For the WOPI Server to be able to work together with Reva, two additional services need to be configured in the gRPC gateway:

Here is an example of some parameters that need to be set in the reva daemon. They include the WOPI Server location inside the cluster as well as some static rules to match different MIME types to be opened with it:

insecure = true    # if you need to disable SSL verification

appregistrysvc = "iop-gateway:19000"

driver = "wopi"
app_provider_url = "iop-gateway:19001"
mime_types = ["application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation", "text/rtf"]

iop_secret = "REVA_IOPSECRET"    # must match the `/etc/wopi/iopsecret` deployed in the wopiserver image
wopi_url = "https://your_wopi_server:port"
app_name = "Collabora"
app_url = "https://your_collabora_server"
insecure_connections = true    # if you need to disable SSL verification

driver = "static"

mime_types = [
        { mime_type = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", extension = "odt", name = "Open document", description = "OpenDocument text", default_app = "Collabora", allow_creation = true },
        { mime_type = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet", extension = "ods", name = "Open spreadsheet", description = "OpenDocument spreadsheet", default_app = "Collabora", allow_creation = true },
        { mime_type = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation", extension = "odp", name = "Open slides", description = "OpenDocument presentation", default_app = "Collabora", allow_creation = true },

Lastly, a shared secret must also be provided in Reva with one of the available options:

Environment variableConfig fileValue secret used to connect REVA with the WOPI Server.

This setting can be shared amongst the two deployments by either:

  • Defining one and passing it as value for the --set wopiserver.config.iopsecret and --set gateway.env.REVA_APPPROVIDER_IOPSECRET flags.
  • Or provisioned by the WOPI Server chart as a Secret and consumed by REVA by passing:
         name: iop-wopiserver-secrets
         key: iopsecret

Enabling wopiserver on the IOP deployment

For convenience, wopiserver ships as a separate chart from Reva but it comes bundled on the IOP. It can be explicitly enabled via feature flag.

Note: the wopiserver chart has been developed with a simplified ingress configuration (i.e. single host and path) to ease the deployment. If you need to expose multiple hosts/paths, please open a feature request on cs3org/charts to support this feature.

The most important settings you’ll need to provide are the wopiserver.config.appProviders.codeurl and wopiserver.config.cs3.revahost: the endpoints for Collabora Code and Reva, respectively. Additional values can also be configured.

If Code was deployed inside the cluster following the steps on the previous section, this configuration will connect all the required services together:

cat << EOF > wopiserver.yaml
      codeurl: http://meshapps-collabora-code:9980
      revahost: iop-revad:19000
    enabled: true
    annotations: nginx "true"
    hostname: <hostname>
    path: /wopi

Last, we just need to install/upgrade the IOP stack by passing this custom configuration as well as the wopiserver.enable flag.

Note: If it is the first time deploying the IOP, you should also provide the custom configuration for Reva in addition to the one for the WOPI Server. Otherwise, you will need to use helm’s --reuse-values to keep your previous config.

helm upgrade -i iop sciencemesh/iop \
  --set wopiserver.enabled=true \
  -f wopiserver.yaml \

Testing the integration with the open-in-app sub-command

Reva’s open-in-app subcomand allows an authenticated user to generate a URL pointing to the application provider that will open the file for viewing/editing (depending on the -viewmode flag).

Behind the scenes, Reva will ask the WOPI server to generate a unique token and URI to access the file through the CS3 APIs. The WOPI Server will determine what is the right application to open such file (based on the available wopiserver.config.appProviders config) and abstract all the implementation details from the user (e.g. save operations, file locking, etc.).

The upload-open workflow can be all carried out from the reva cli:

reva upload sciencemesh.odt /home/sciencemesh.odt
Local file size: 11176 bytes
Data server: https://<hostname.domain.tld>/iop/datagateway
Allowed checksums: [type:RESOURCE_CHECKSUM_TYPE_MD5 priority:100  type:RESOURCE_CHECKSUM_TYPE_UNSET priority:1000 ]
Local XS: RESOURCE_CHECKSUM_TYPE_MD5:21751696b491472501ffa1ec6cc3021d
 10.91 KiB / 10.91 KiB [======================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
File uploaded: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000:fileid-<user>%2Fsciencemesh.odt 11176 /home/sciencemesh.odt

reva open-in-app -viewmode write /home/sciencemesh.odt
App provider url: https://<hostname.domain.tld>/loleaflet/ed4f732/loleaflet.html?permission=edit&WOPISrc=https%3A%2F%2F<hostname.domain.tld>%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000-3380161333240892090&access_token=<token>

Collaborative editing workflows

Effectively, a site running the WOPI Server configured and enabled together with the IOP as described above, can share files (via the OCM Share mechanism) with a second user. Even if the recipient site does not have a WOPI Server deployed. This mechanism relies on Reva’s capacity to forward the requests to open-in-app from the receiving site to the original grantor’s.

If the originating site is also connected to a WOPI-compatible application, that supports the file’s MIME type and has also collaborative-editing capabilities (like e.g. Collabora Code), the document can be opened by both users at the same time. In this session, users are able to see each other’s contributions and changes and save their progress on the original document, living on the original storage backend - no matter what it is.

Last modified May 31, 2023: Update (c86e535)