It is necessary to distinguish between support for users of the sites and operators of the sites in the Science Mesh. First and foremost, site users are supported by their sites to make support structure scalable. Whenever interaction between sites is necessary to solve a technical issue, it should be handled by the support of the site of the user having the issue. It is expected that service providers handle incoming issues and requests from their own users in their own helpdesk systems.
Central Science Mesh helpdesk is available through email: Expect an automated answer with a ticket number as the first reply.
Currently, the central Science Mesh helpdesk is still work in progress but there is an informal support Gitter channel at This Gitter channel allows admins to ask questions and discuss issues and possible solutions. We recommend site administrators to subscribe to this channel.
Having both formal and informal means of providing support is expected to be retained into operation.
Formalised description of support operation is available as the Science Mesh Support Procedure.