Health Monitoring

Information about automated health monitoring in the Science Mesh project.

This section contains details about automated health monitoring in the Science Mesh project.

Note that monitoring is not a replacement of your standard monitoring of your EFSS installation, it is just an additional part to collect information relevant for the Science Mesh.


The Science Mesh in its entirety can only work if all of its participating sites with their respective services function properly. To ensure this in an automated way, all services are constantly being monitored and checked for their health status through various services running as part of the Central Component.

The two main components used for health monitoring are Prometheus and the Blackbox Exporter. They are both automatically configured and controlled by Mentix, the main service of the Central Component. Below diagram shows how these services are connected:

Why external checks?

There are many reasons why we perform health checking from the outside: First of all, these checks do what a regular user would do, and it is thus important that the checks succeed when run from an external source. Many problems arise due to firewalls or misconfigured ingress servers.

Furthermore, having all checks in a central place makes adding and modifying checks a lot easier. It also ensures that the same checks are run for every site at all times. Last but not least, it gives all participating sites confidence in the reliability and meaningfulness of these checks and their results.

What about EFSS-specific checks?

The health monitoring doesn’t impose any assumptions on the EFSS system a site uses. The underlying system is, however, indirectly tested through the CS3 APIs and the IOP: If there are issues with your EFSS, these will very likely result in failing checks.


Prometheus is used to gather various metrics from each site. This includes the total number of users, the number of user groups and the amount of storage used. These metrics are exposed through the Reva IOP (or any protocol-compatible service), which means that its metrics HTTP endpoint needs to be accessible from the outside.

Furthermore, Prometheus will also periodically pull metrics from the Blackbox Exporter (BBE for short), which runs in parallel to Prometheus. This in return causes the BBE to run active health checks on every site and its respective services, as explained below.

Blackbox Exporter

To monitor the health of each site in the Science Mesh, a custom fork of the Blackbox Exporter for Prometheus is used. Put simply, the BBE runs a so-called prober to perform a certain check on a provided target when called via a special URL. More technical details about this version of the BBE are available in a separate document.

The general workflow of this active health checking roughly looks like this:

  1. In Prometheus, a target rule exists for every check that should be performed
  2. Prometheus will scrape (i.e., gather data from) these targets periodically
  3. The BBE will thus be called through a URL via Prometheus which contains the actual target of the check, as well as the check to perform itself
    • This causes the BBE to run the specified check on the target (service)
    • The BBE will evaluate the check results and translate them into a format consumable by Prometheus
  4. Prometheus will gather these results in form of special metrics and process them further
    • This includes calculating an overall site status as well as the site’s availability and reliability

Health checks

Currently, only a small number of checks is performed during health monitoring. Below is a list of all checks and what is necessary to pass them:

Check nameDescriptionPassing criteriaCritical
http_pingChecks whether the IOP can be reached via HTTPIOP URL must be properly configured and reachable from the outsideYes
iop_loginChecks whether logging in to the IOP gateway is possibleIOP gRPC port must be properly configured and reachable from the outside; a user with credentials test/testpass must be available (this is only temporary and will change in the future)Yes

All critical tests must be passed for a site to be considered Healthy. Failing uncritical tests will only cause a site to go into Warning state.

Note: These tests are only temporary. More tests will be added in the future.


All above tests are performed on endpoints provided through the CS3 APIs. This means that you will need to make your CS3 APIs interface (usually the Reva IOP) externally accessible.

A user with username test must be present in Reva. Credentials for the account are securely stored in the Central Database, they are configured per site in the accounts panel (under “Sites settings”). The site administrator needs to have access to site settings in the Central Database for this agenda to be visible. Configure the credentials of the test user both in the Central Database as well as your EFSS.

Blackbox Exporter

Information about the special fork of the Blackbox Exporter used for the Science Mesh project