Basic ScienceMesh services

How a Reva IOP site should be configured to provide a minimal set of services required for joining the Science Mesh.

NOTE: service settings may need to be changed depending on your actual deployment environment and chosen method of Deployment.

Server settings

GRPC (docs πŸ“–)

Configures server endpoint for GRPC services, e.g. the address to listen on.

address = ""

HTTP (docsπŸ“–)

Configures HTTP server endpoint β€” the address to listen on, enabled HTTP services & middlewares.

address = ""
enabled_services = ["ocmd"]
enabled_middlewares = ["providerauthorizer", "cors"]


HTTP server uses insecure TCP communication by default, to enable encryption, add the following options:

keyfile = "/etc/revad/ssl.key"
certfile = "/etc/revad/ssl.crt"

Shared settings

Shared options applies to all configured IOP services.

gatewaysvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
jwt_secret = "$something secret$"

We have to set an address of the Reva gateway service as many other services refers to the gateway GRPC service to make/handle their requests. Here we expect the service to run under (at least locally) resolvable iop-gateway hostname and bind to a (default) port of 19000.

Gateway settings (docs πŸ“–)

Gateway service is the main entrypoint to the IOP, handling and forwarding most of the requests β€” it should know the locations of any other services running in the IOP instance.

commit_share_to_storage_grant = false
commit_share_to_storage_ref = true
datagateway = "https://$yourdomain.iop$/datagateway"
transfer_expires = 6

appprovidersvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
appregistry = "iop-gateway:19000"
authregistrysvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
ocmcoresvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
ocminvitemanagersvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
ocmproviderauthorizersvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
ocmshareprovidersvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
preferencessvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
publicshareprovidersvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
storageregistrysvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
userprovidersvc = "iop-gateway:19000"
usershareprovidersvc = "iop-gateway:19000"

NOTE: Gateway implicitly expects that every service runs under the same host:port as itself. Here we can explicitly define/override default location by appending svc to service name. Here is the complete list of services available.

NOTE: datagateway should be an externally accessible URL of your IOP deployment

Storage registry

Here we define that static mapping of storage mountpoints to storage providers should be used, and mountpoint used for user’s homes:

driver = "static"

home_provider = "/home"

The following enables the required Data gateway HTTP service, using default config.


Next we need to specify, which storage providers should handle which mountpoints. You can choose one of the following scenarios:

1) Using a single storage provider

The simlest case where all storage mountpoints are handled by a single storage provider runing integrated on Reva Gateway host.

address = "iop-gateway:19000"
address = "iop-gateway:19000"
address = "iop-gateway:19000"

2) With multiple storage providers

Here we configure user’s /home/ mountpoint to be handled by storage service running at iop-storageprovider-home:1700 and /reva/ mountpoint to be handled by a separate service at iop-storageprovider-reva:18000.

address = "iop-storageprovider-home:17000"
address = "iop-storageprovider-reva:18000"
address = "iop-storageprovider-reva:18000"

NOTE: In this scenario, you will need to separately configure and deploy the storage providers. Please refer to the Deployment docs for a guide on how to do it.

Storage provider (docs πŸ“–)

For IOP to handle the storage mountpoints, you will need to enable & configure atleast one storage provider and a data provider service. Here we set up a simple localhome driver based storage and configure an externaly accessible URL for the Data server.

driver = "localhome"
data_server_url = "https://$yourdomain.iop$/data"
mount_id = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
expose_data_server = true
enable_home_creation = true

driver = "localhome"

user_layout = "{{.Username}}"

Authentication registry (docs πŸ“–)

Next we statically set a mapping of authentication methods to available auth providers.

driver = "static"
basic = "iop-gateway:19000"

Here we say that Basic authentication of IOP users should be handled by our Gateway service.

Authentication provider (docs πŸ“–)

Alteast one auth provider is needed in order to authenticate IOP users. Here we set up a provider that uses a json file database based auth_manager to authenticate users.

auth_manager = "json"

users = "users.db.json"

Example users.db.json files

For a complete list of auth_managers available, refer to the AuthManager docs.

User provider (docs πŸ“–)

This service is required to feed user data to other services. Here we set it to share user json database with our Auth provider.

driver = "json"

users = "users.db.json"

Group provider (docs πŸ“–)

This service is required to provide group and user-group membership information to other IOP services. By default, a json database file based group manager is being used.

driver = "json"

users = "groups.json"

Example groups.json file

Security middleware

The following HTTP middleware services are required to be enabled:

CORS (docs πŸ“–)

CORS attack prevention middleware.


Provider authorizer (docs πŸ“–)

This middleware is used to authorize requests made by other Science Mesh providers. We set it up to validate against provider data published by Central Component’s Mentix service.

driver = "mentix"

url = ""
verify_request_hostname = true
insecure = false
timeout = 10
refresh = 900


In this section we set up Open Cloud Mesh related services, which are necessary for enabling all the cross-provider sharing & collaboration workflows.

OCM Core (docs πŸ“–)

Here we setup OCM Core services, using a json file based database.

driver = "json"
file = "/var/tmp/reva/shares_server_1.json"

OCM Share provider (docs πŸ“–)

Service responsible for handling/serving share info. It should share the database file with the OCM Core. An URL prefix for OCM Share HTTP APIs (ocs) also needs to be configured here.

driver = "json"

file = "/var/tmp/reva/shares_server_1.json"

prefix = "ocs"

[]  # FIXME: clarify why this is memory
driver = "memory"

[]  # FIXME: clarify why this is memory
driver = "memory"

OCM Invite manager (docs πŸ“–)

Manages sharing invitations from/to users of another OCM mesh providers. We use json file based database to store invites data.

driver = "json"

file = "/var/tmp/reva/ocm-invites.json"

OCM Provider authorizer (docs πŸ“–)

Just like the Provider authorizer HTTP middleware, this authorizes OCM API requests made by other OCM mesh providers. We use the same Mentix-based configuration as above.

driver = "mentix"

url = ""
verify_request_hostname = true
insecure = false
timeout = 10
refresh = 900

OCMD (docs πŸ“–)

OCM HTTP API service. Here we configure IOP API prefix for OCM APIs, and some more settings used for share e-mail notifications or generation and sending of share invitations.

mesh_directory_url = ""
prefix = "ocm"

host = "iop-gateway"
provider = "$your-provider-name$"  # FIXME: what is this option for?? Needs to be clarified

disable_auth = true
sender_mail = "$put-your-email-here$"
smtp_server = "$put-your-smtp-server-here$"
smtp_port = 25

WebDAV (docs πŸ“–)

OCM WebDAV HTTP APIs service. We expose WebDAV API under ocdav URL prefix.

prefix = "ocdav"

Monitoring & accounting

Here we will configure services needed for external site health monitoring and export of basic site metrics used for accounting.


Last modified September 8, 2023: Updated following the latest releases (5f6655c)