IOP/Reva integrations with Nextcloud and ownCloud10
List of known issues to be aware of including blessed versions of components
(last updated 8 September 2023):
- Use Reva version 1.26 or later.
- If your EFSS is based on ownCloud 10 or Nextcloud, use the
app version 0.5.0 or later from the app store / marketplace.- Recommended Nextcloud installation: make sure you are using at least Nextcloud version 26 to be able to share to other sites of the mesh. In order to access remote shares, you’ll need a version of Nextcloud that includes this patch.
- Recommended ownCloud10 installation: make sure you are using at least ownCloud version 10.12.
- If your EFSS is based on OCIS, contact Giuseppe Lo Presti to get help with the configuration.
- Permissions management and unsharing are currently broken. The full list of known issues is here.
List of moving parts
There are a number of moving parts involved, they all need to be exactly right for things to work:
- your site’s registration in gocdb. Make sure your site is registered with ‘infrastructure = production’ and with the right configuration
- your revad version
- your reva config file. THIS IS IMPORTANT! A reference config file is available here.
- your OC-10 or NC version.
- in the case of OC-10, your config.php
- the sciencemesh app
- the settings for the sciencemesh app (in the admin settings dialog)
Inter-Operability Platform/Reva Integrations with Nextcloud and ownCloud10
To enable the IOP to talk to your Nextcloud and/or ownCloud10 installation, you need to install the ScienceMesh app.
See above for the recommended version.
For Nextcloud, you can use Nextcloud Apps: This is the preferred way.
Or, if you prefer doing it by hand or need a specific version, go to your Nextcloud apps folder, and run (using appropriate version):
git clone -b nextcloud sciencemesh
cd sciencemesh
Go to the apps panel in the Nextcloud admin GUI and enable the sciencemesh app as untested code. Go there again and click a second time, to actually enable it.
iopUrl is url of your main revad instance. Configure “iopUrl” to point to your main revad instance.
Go to the admin settings for Science Mesh and set the IOP URL to e.g.
There is also a shared_secret
that must be same in sciencemesh.toml
file and Nextcloud database. This secret use to reva can authenticate the requests from Nextcloud.
Set a shared secret that matches the one you configured in the TOML file of your main revad instance.
Make sure that revaSharedSecret
in there matches the shared_secret
entry in the following sections of your revad.toml
* `[]`
* `[]`
* `[]`
* `[]`
* `[]`
Set the base address of running Nextcloud instance in the following sections of sciencemesh.toml
* `[]`
* `[]`
* `[]`
* `[]`
Note: this section is not relevant for OCIS.
See above for the recommended version.
For ownCloud, you can use ownCloud Marketplace application: This is the preferred way.
Or, if you prefer doing it by hand or you need a specific version, in your ownCloud apps folder, run (using appropriate version):
git clone -b owncloud sciencemesh
cd sciencemesh
Enable the app in the Nextcloud/ownCloud admin dashboard.
is url of your main revad instance. Configure iopUrl
to point to your revad instance. You can set this value through the admin settings of the ScienceMesh app, or in your ownCloud database:
insert into oc_appconfig (appid, configkey, configvalue) values ('sciencemesh', 'iopUrl', 'https://revanc1.docker/');
There is also a shared_secret
that must be same in sciencemesh.toml
file and ownCloud database. This secret use to Reva can authenticate the requests from ownCloud.
Make sure that revaSharedSecret
in there matches the shared_secret
entry in the following sections of your revad.toml
There must also exist a row in ownCloud database for revaLoopbackSecret
is a key in ownCloud for authenticating Reva users by ownCloud. Reva sends this key in body instead of real user’s password. This loopback secret send from ownCloud to reva in request’s body.
If this key does not exists in ownCloud database, insert a random string for this key as value.
Set the base address of running ownCloud instance in the following sections of sciencemesh.toml file:
And edit the config so ScienceMesh is used for all OCM operations:
sed -i "3 i\ 'sharing.managerFactory' => 'OCA\\\\ScienceMesh\\\\ScienceMeshProviderFactory'," /var/www/html/config/config.php
sed -i "4 i\ 'sharing.remoteShareesSearch' => 'OCA\\\\ScienceMesh\\\\Plugins\\\\ScienceMeshSearchPlugin'," /var/www/html/config/config.php
Check the Database (optional)
In the end, your OC10 or NC database should contain someting similar to this:
MariaDB [bitnami_owncloud]> SELECT * FROM oc_appconfig WHERE appid = 'sciencemesh';
| appid | configkey | configvalue |
| sciencemesh | enabled | yes |
| sciencemesh | installed_version | 0.1.0 |
| sciencemesh | iopUrl | |
| sciencemesh | revaLoopbackSecret | some-secret |
| sciencemesh | revaSharedSecret | another-secret |
| sciencemesh | types | |